Guest blog by Kamila Miller, Marketing Manager, GUARDHOG

With Covid-19 wreaking havoc on small businesses and affecting people all over the world, our survival instincts are starting to kick in. We are lucky to be in a country where our healthcare system is as exceptional as it is, and the big clap for the NHS, really showed how we all appreciate the incredible job that they are doing on the frontlines to fight the pandemic.
The pandemic has sadly led to a lot of businesses closing and people being made redundant. There are however, plenty of cases where companies have been able to adapt to the difficult situation we are currently living in. For example, here at SUPERHOG, we believe that every cloud has a silver lining.
When we took the decision to act early and begin working from home, this filled us with so many ideas about how we could improve the wellbeing and particularly the mental wellbeing of all our staff members.
That’s why we took the decision to create our Stay At Home Hub – a place where our staff could participate in live streamed activities, such as virtual yoga classes, meditation and even learning sign language to communicate with your baby!

On the Stay At Home hub, we’re only preaching positive vibes. We update the page with positive news stories from around the country and keep everything light hearted, to ensure that the mental wellbeing of our employees and their morale is kept as high as possible.
Every member of the team is able to contribute to the content of the page, and our blog is constantly being updated with amazing content. For example, if you’re struggling to work from home, why not check out our awesome Top 10 Tips To Keep You Productive!
As a team, we are in contact with each other everyday, and we are constantly talking about ideas to add to the hub. This is really helping to keep team spirits high and ensuring that we are all able to still have a laugh during this tough period.
We then thought:
“Well if we love our Stay at Home hub so much, why don’t we get others involved too, and spread the love?”
That’s why we’re deciding to get our partners, customers, and anybody else who would like to get involved, as a way of sharing with us how they are entertaining themselves during quarantine. The blog is full of ideas about what to watch, what foods to eat to boost your immune system, home workout tips and much more!
We’re having some great conversations to get more activities signed up and look forward to seeing the hub grow. Our activities and blog posts will be created for kids as well as adults, as we are a team full of parents and know that they need a break from homeschooling!
If you have an activity or hobby that you would love to share with others, then please get in contact with us by filling out the form on the Stay at Home hub. We’d love to hear from you and get you involved with what we’re doing!